Stop and Smell the Roses

  1. Roses 1Stop and Smell the Roses

Walking at a brisk pace down Ogden Road in Denver with wifey and daughter one beautiful June evening when suddenly daughter stops at what appeared to be shrubbery. She leaned over and stuck her head in the flowers. She said, “Hey Mom and Dad, smell the roses.”

That short vacation ended months ago and it’s Halloween already.

The year is 83% over. Are you at 83% of your revenue goal?

Are you ahead of last year? Many people tell me they are 20% ahead of last year. But what about the year before that? Are your October 2014 results greater than both Octobers of 2012 and 2013?

It is a fact we have to focus on high payoff activities to ensure good results. Do you frequently ask yourself, “Self? Is what I’m doing the best use of my time?”

Hopefully, by now, you have a weekly plan and a daily plan of what activities to complete.

Are you utilizing Social Media? It is an important and high payoff activity. Social media is for making connections; for getting to know someone. The next goals are to like them and trust them enough to do business with them. Brian Basilico, my golfing pal and social media expert, taught me how to use social media to build relationships.

Facebook seems to be the most popular social media tool. We use facebook to inform, educate and entertain, as well as making connections and building relationships.

Facebook is also great way to keep in contact with friends and family as well as a great place to make new friends. Facebook is packed with people running, biking, attending meetings, giving presentations, going to yoga, going on vacation, inviting us to attend events, eating bacon and playing with cats.

Facebook is also packed with people whining. Comcast sucks. Walmart sucks. That politician sucks. You suck. If you don’t eat organic you are surely going to die.

Latest statistic: 10 out of 10 people die. Boom.

Stop and Smell the Roses:

It’s Halloween already. What’s next?

  • Set your clock back
  • Election Day
  • Take down Halloween decorations
  • Veterans Day
  • Turkey Trot 5k
  • Thanksgiving
  • Black Friday
  • Put up Christmas decorations
  • Hanukkah
  • Start of winter
  • Shovel the driveway again
  • Christmas
  • ResolutionsRoses 3
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Super Bowl Sunday

Resolutions: let’s resolve to stop whining, arguing and bullying on facebook. Mom told us, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut.”

Stop and Smell the Roses: walking out of the chapel this morning, I spotted this beautiful rose bush. On October 31. And it was snowing. Guess what I did?

Let’s also resolve to start 2015 sales planning next week. There might not be any roses to smell, but we can stop and build a snowman, or have a snowball fight, or go snowboarding, or check out a movie, or even hang out with the fam by the fire.

We can always stop by Phillip’s Flowers, get some roses, put ‘em on the kitchen table, and stop. Slow down even. Relax.

I’m Mike Cooper, and I approved this message!

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