Tag Archives | Networking

What Do You Do?

When someone asks, “What do you do?” Do you have a well rehearsed response, enticing the stranger to want to hear more about you? You should use this handy format below to craft a compelling 30 second promo. It’s not an elevator pitch, it’s a 30 second promo. Why do we not like to think […]

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Why Do We Network?

We network for many reasons: To meet our next customer. To meet our next boss. To meet our next soul mate. To get a free meal. Looking around the room at a recent networking event, I realized everybody was selling something. There were no buyers. Seventy five sales reps all dressed up with no one […]

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Venues for Effective Networking

Venues for Effective Networking   Coffee networking ~ Meet a stranger for coffee and leave with a new friend. Or invite a prospect to coffee and then for a follow up, invite a prospect for him or her Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours ~ There is one every second Tuesday. Remember it’s easy to […]

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Sizzling Summertime Sales Tips

Networking  To ensure a successful networking experience, spend at least 75% of your time with people you do not know. Prospecting  Prospect every day. Talk to strangers. Tell six people what you do every day. Schedule Appointments  Schedule at least three appointments every day and stay at least 10 days out. Meticulous Preparation  Know the […]

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