Sales Consulting

“Mike Cooper is the consummate sales management professional: extremely knowledgeable, dedicated, and constantly seeking to improve in every aspect of salesmanship. Additionally, he brings to every venture, unparalleled enthusiasm and energy. Mike is also an individual of the highest integrity – always willing to go the extra mile to insure he delivers on his promises and commitments.”

Thom Sudol – Project Manager, GSA

<to start let’s just make this one page. Include the list of info below.

Start off with an intro to Sales Consulting. What does that mean? What are the benefits? Then below the 2-3 sentence explanation, list off what that involves in paragraph format with the info below

<this should be the  header> Business Development Consulting

<topics within the paragraph> Current Customer Initiatives

New Customer Initiatives

<this should be the  header>  Planning & Goal Setting

<topics within the paragraph> Identify High Payoff Activities


<this should be the  header>Accountability and Measurement


Sales Consulting is when . . . . . We will consult your Business Development Strategy, help you Plan, make Goals, Measure and hold you Accountable. etc.

Business Development Consulting will help you with your Current Customer Sales and establishing New Customers. There are two objectives in sales: How to get more clients and how to sell more to your current clients. etc.

Planning and Goal Setting is the only way to find direction in your company and get consistent growth. We will help you set SMART goals, and we will hold you accountable for reaching those goals. Also, by Identifying High Payoff Activities you can make the best use of your time. etc.

Measurement and Accountability are very important to reaching your goals because if you’re not monitoring what you’re doing then you can re-assess your activities to establish what’s working and what’s not working. We will help you find the important things that need to be measured, and we will help you evaluate your activities so that you can make adjustments where needed to make sure you’re reaching your long-term goals.