Do your prospects need what you sell? Of course they do. Do you know what your prospects’ goals are? Maybe… but probably not. Ask them. Chances are, your prospects’ goals include: Improving profits or reducing discounting Reducing costs Improving productivity – through great sales training Improving sales by obtaining more customers or by selling more […]
Author Archive | Mike Cooper

Eight High Payoff Activities to Heat Up Your Sales
Focus on these eight high payoff activities during the selling hours of every day.

Your Elevator Speech Is Your Commercial
In today’s highly competitive, networking crazy business world, you need a compelling description of your product or service to capture the attention of the other people.
Say “Thank You!” With Gift Certificates
These businesses have exhibited outstanding customer service: gift cards are nice gifts. Painter: Bob Jung Painting & Decorating Company’s coming! Deck the Walls with a fresh coat of paint (guest room, dining room, powder room, front door). Steaks: Sullivan’s Steakhouse Unforgettable juicy flavor. Tender. Delicious. Sushi: Shinto Experience The hibachi tables are entertaining and delicious. […]
Seven Year End Sales Tips for Immediate Results
Remember, there are only two ways to Heat Up Your Sales: 1) obtain new customers, and 2) get your current customers to buy more stuff. 1. Change up your selling tactics. Work more with “A” accounts instead of “B” and “C” accounts. Your competitors want your “A” accounts as new business. Your best accounts might […]
Stop and Smell the Roses
Stop and Smell the Roses Walking at a brisk pace down Ogden Road in Denver with wifey and daughter one beautiful June evening when suddenly daughter stops at what appeared to be shrubbery. She leaned over and stuck her head in the flowers. She said, “Hey Mom and Dad, smell the roses.” That short vacation […]