Time is precious. Just 168 hours in a week. Except next week: we get 169 hours. Nice! Here are 24 things to do with your extra hour. 1. Make a big family breakfast 2. Start a jigsaw puzzle 3. Exercise 4. Visit a museum 5. […]
Wind-Chill & Closing Don’t whine about how cold it is. Do something about it. This is a photo of my view this morning! Your prospects don’t want to hear you whining. They don’t want a lot of hot air either. When you close the deal, thank her for the business, schedule the next appointment, stop […]
If you have ever wanted advice on developing a “Sales Plan,” pick up the phone and you can quickly determine your 2014 potential. The Sales Kitchen $2014 Sales Plan Bundle includes a sales audit, 2013 sales review, 2014 sales plan and much more.