2014 Sales Planning Template 2013 Sales Review Template Goals & Activity Tracking Worksheet
Tag Archives | Goal Setting
$2014 Sales Plan Bundle
If you have ever wanted advice on developing a “Sales Plan,” pick up the phone and you can quickly determine your 2014 potential. The Sales Kitchen $2014 Sales Plan Bundle includes a sales audit, 2013 sales review, 2014 sales plan and much more.
June, 2013 “CookBook”
2013 Six Month Review | Accountability | What Should You Consider During Back Half Planning | Upcoming Speaking Gig
Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Sales Coach
1 Goals ~ SMART Goals: You are able to set challenging goals, get buy-in, make plans and follow those plans to achieve your goals. You’ll accomplish goals, and tasks, and projects much more quickly. 2 A coach helps you identify and eliminate unproductive time drains, like burying yourself in administrative tasks, making dreaded cold calls […]
Sales Kitchen’s 13 Ways To Have A Great ’13
A baker’s dozen from the Kitchen: 13 ways to Heat Up Your Sales in ’13. 1) 2012 Review (closed, lost, opportunities, highlights) 2) 2013 Plan (SMART Goals) Mandate monthly results meetings Establish goals for all employees 3. Develop three initiatives for Q1 Cause Marketing Monthly newsletter (step it up to twice a month) Update your […]
Are your sales trends scary?
Are you afraid? The phone is not ringing. Nobody returns calls anymore. You left your phone on the plane. Decisions are taking forever. Your laptop froze up; again. Your customer canceled her order. You were late for another meeting. Your vendors are looking for money. The business is not growing. Don’t be afraid.. There’s just […]