Six Steps in the Selling Process

If your sales are in a slump, don’t fire your sales manager. Analyze your selling process to see if it contains all the ingredients for success.

  1. Sales planning: a) goal setting, b) business development, and c) develop strategies and tactics.
  2. Sales Presentation development: a) meticulous preparation ~ know everything about the customer, their customers, and their competition, b) remember to ask lots of questions, c) listen ~ we have two ears and only one mouth, d) closing techniques ~ watch for buying signals; nobody likes to be sold to but everyone likes to buy, and e) handling objections ~ add frequently heard objections into the presentation.
  3. Sales execution: relentless follow up and obtain results.
  4. Sales force management: a) Increase the quantity and quality of sales calls ~ develop a system to identify qualified prospects; b) maximize productivity ~ focus on high payoff activities; and, c) quarterly training modules ~ practice selling with role playing and continuous improvement.
  5. Measurement and accountability: graph it, chart it, and post it ~ inspect what you expect.
  6. Superior customer service begins and ends with delighted customers. Remember to ask every new client for referrals while they are excited about their recent purchase.

If your sales results are way below expectations it may be due to a lack of focus or effort on any of the steps in the selling process. You could surf the web and exert/waste time trying to find the silver bullet; or you could work with sales experts and develop a cooked-to-order program providing options and solutions to Heat Up Your Sales.

Focus on what you do best and delegate or outsource those activities and action steps outside your area of expertise. Remember, time is money, and money is just as good as cash.

Set Objectives, hustle, and give your professional best.


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